The ask: A piece of content that will create buzz and awareness for the Fairfield 100% Guarantee and show how their associate are working to make sure every guest is completely satisfied.
The idea: Create a social and digital campaign living on youtube, Facebook, Twitter and snapchat. And show how the guarantee works through the lens of training a new employee. Not the typical employee though.
On the day's campaign launch, we surprised guests when Mr. Guarantee showed up to check them in.We captured hidden camera content to use on Fairfield's social and digital channels. We also held a live activation in NY with Mr. Guarantee to promote the Fairfield properties in NY and support the launch.
OLVs and pre-roll pushed through YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Driving traffic to longer form content and ads.
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter used his character in memes that disrupted people's feed in a fun memorable way. Twitter and Facebook videos drove awareness and linked people directly to Fairfield's site and booking page.
Flight video content- Fairfield wanted to create awareness of the 100% Guarantee to frequent business travelers. So we created a series of videos that were highly targeted - In-flight and In-airport to generate awareness.